Eco-Responsible Labeling

Eco-Responsible Labeling

What if consumer education about the side effects of microplastics was at the forefront of producers and grocery stores? My thesis began as a surprise sticker attack at a grocery store. Still, after evaluating the waste and legality of these stickers, I pivoted to creating a small display of products and signage with language aimed toward consumer education. This includes assessing the current packaging standards, such as the "Nutrition Facts" label, FDA requirements, and sustainable language on the package.

A Critique of Our Plastic Consumption
In this modern age of convenience, we interact with many different types of plastic every day, including microplastics. Microplastics are tiny particles of broken-down plastic, and a recent study suggests that people ingest about a credit card’s worth of microplastics each week, which doesn’t even include microplastic exposure through inhalation and direct skin contact.¹

By corporate design, most consumers are unaware of the side effects of plastic production and packaging. Plastic packages are misleading, implying they can be recycled, which rarely happens despite their recycling logos, with no federal regulations on the packaging about health and environmental effects of microplastic contamination. These labeling problems prevent consumers from making informed decisions about a product packaged in plastic.

My work suggests ways to remedy these labeling problems to give consumers more accurate information about microplastic contamination and recyclability on packages. This design also highlights health consequences of plastics which damage our reproductive, digestive, respiratory, nervous, immune, and additional systems.²

MFA in Design, 2021-2022

Professors: Dr. Carma Gorman, Sam Lavigne
MFA Cohort: Sarah Martinez, Chloe Gillmar, Kristen Graham, Maria Vidal, Christoph Sokol, Jesus Guillermo de León Pérez

Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Print Production, Packaging, Templates, Sustainability, Cricut Design Space

¹ “No Plastic in Nature: Assessing Plastic Ingestion from Nature to People,” World Wildlife Fund for Nature, 2019
² “Plastic & Health: The Hidden Costs of a Plastic Planet,” Center for International Environmental Law, 2019

Stickers with info about microplastic
Mock up market display with proposed packaging labels
Line art showing suggested differences made to packaging that include more info about the packaging material itself, along with approximate micro plastic consumption
Packaging and die line art of carrots and apple packaging
soda can flat art
Oh, Honey! flat art

Joker Custom Game Cards


Introducing the game Joker to new players was a little challenging (also known as Marbles & Jokers). The game is usually played with a standard 52-card deck of playing cards, with each card having its own movement effects. New players often forgot rules or became confused, so I collaborated with a seasoned player to design these custom game cards. The marble vector was originally from, then customized to different colors for our use.

We tested out the prototypes, then printed them through for personal use.


Nixon Family

Adobe Illustrator, Game Design

Stephen Joseph Inc. Products and Packaging


I worked as a Product Development Assistant for the children's merchandise wholesale retailer Stephen Joseph Inc. In that role, I supported the Product Designer by designing packaging, creating display signage, and implementing designs into different types of products (from large, functional display units to tiny, fun erasers!).

(C) Stephen Joseph Inc.

Stephen Joseph Inc, 2013-2015

Shelly Teague, Product Designer
Tena Salmons, Product Development Director
Alix Buckley, CEO/Founder

Product Design, Illustration, Product Photography, Photo Manipulation, Packaging, POP/POS Displays